This year in the absence of any SW in Bloom judging the RHS have awarded recognition certificates for groups that have continued their activities as best as possible. View certificate >>
September 2020:
Portishead in Bloom 2021 Calendar available now from Flagship Boutique and Ebb and Flow, High Street.
The Big Clean Up is postponed until March 2021.
June 2020:
Portishead in Bloom, in cooperation with WC&P Railway Group and Gordano Civic Society, has jointly funded a new interpretation board about the old Weston, Clevedon and Portishead Light Railway. It was installed in June 2020 replacing an old one (also part funded by Portishead in Bloom) and stands on Wyndham Way opposite the Old Mill pub. Click photo to enlarge.
Rodmoor Gardens have been awarded 5 stars in South West in Bloom Pride in Parks for 2019.
29 March 2020:
The RHS haveadvised that judging will not go ahead this year due to the coronavirus situation. Our Open Gardens weekend and Garden Awards are also cancelled.